Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 14:00
Penk wrote:G-Z wrote:they are an incredibly obnoxious, pretentious band
And that's your defence?
Never said anything about defence. But if I don't like intolerance from muso's in particular, and encounter it very seldom here actually. i think its important to keep things in perspective, and you miss an important aspect of 'facts' when you say that they are facts 'to you' of the most common tautology in the english language is an "incontrovertible fact", and i think you miss the 'incontrovertible' part of the definition of fact, unless you want to talk philosophy.
where was i?
Oh yeah, I said they are among the most pretentious band in the world from the outset, and I think if you want to criticise them for anything, this would be the place to start and finish. It puts a lot of people off them, and rightly so. But it has nothing to do with the music, and entirely to do with the attitude. Lou Reed's 'grumpy' character don't make Stephanie Says any less gorgeous. anyway, good or bad is entirely to do with opinion.
G-Z wrote:if you don't like guitar music it's probably not your thing.
Penk wrote:Have you actually read anything I've said? How many times do I need to say I like guitar music and I like a lot of bands who are similar to Sonic Youth, I just don't like Sonic Youth?
Not everything that I write has to do with you mate, I'm speaking of facts here, and you to have to speak in general terms to do so. I'm sure loads of people who love guitars hate SY, and loads of people who love dance and R&D love SY. But generally speaking, people who don't like guitars I'd have thought would not like SY.
Penk wrote:but recognising a band's flaws does not in any need to detract from enjoyment of the music
No. I'm aware of flaws in many of my favourite bands.
But none of them are so deeply, incontrovertibly flawed as Sonic Youth, or on such basic levels.
See now this is where your zero (in)tolerance approach exposes an a bit of a nonsensical point of view i think. None of what you say is incontrovertible, none of it is fact.
Penk wrote:innovative: there was no wave, heavy guitar music before, but SY brought it to new levels. their tunings, layers and texture are highly innovative to the point of ground-breaking.
Doesn't mean they were any good.
Again, I'm not talking about good/bad, because those are opinions. If you don't like SY, fine, express your opinions as much as you want, but don't in any way put them foward as facts. Not even if they are facts to yourself, because there is no such reality.
Penk wrote:melodic: you may not like some of the melodies, but so much of their stuff is pure pop (catholic block, sunday, dirty boots, my friend goo). 'simple' and 'obvious' melodies is nonsensical given the above, and certainly i've never heard them rip anyone off. this isn't Am to C to F to G.
Doesn't mean they were any good.
It doesn't matter what key their melodies are in, or what chord sequences you use. They could be in any kind of unconventional, complex key, and yet still be the dull, simplistic whimpers they are.
I think you can accuse SY of a lot of things, and, as you note, I do...but dull is not one of them. For me, they are an incredibly multi-dimensional band who experiment in the the true nature of the word, exposing a richly dark, bloody vein which connects jazz with indie rock. Again, whether you think any of it is 'good' or not is a matter of taste
Penk wrote:limited vocal capacity/lyrics: only really lee ranaldo knows how to sing, but the three singers know how to interact very well. their lyrics are often awful, but i find very few artists that intrigue me lyrically anyway.
As far as I can see none of the detractors have even brought that up on this thread. You're not doing yourself any favours.
I'm not trying to do anyone any favours. I think this is objectively speaking something you can say about them. Your 'facts', as I see them, are by their nature deeply flawed, and I think you can have a far more informed debate about it.
[/quote]Penk wrote:influence: they have raised the profile of countless bands, both new and old, and are largely responsible for the regeneration of artists like sun ra and loads of jazz artists, in addition to the obvious 'grunge' influence. of course this was a kiss of death for many people, but SY are possibly the most influential band in art (in the most general possible way to use the term) that i can think of.
Doesn't mean they were any good.