Jarg Armani wrote:Owen wrote:DiamondDog wrote:Owen wrote:Hypocrisy would be the "making up another sexuality and banging on and on about it" bit, or lying as it's generally called
which sexuality did he make up?
"Oh i'm celibate me" is a step beyond 'not wanting to talk about his private life'
Maybe it was actually true at the time i suppose.
it's not something i care all that much about, although i'd guess a lot of people at the time did, but it does seem hypocritical.
What a rubbish post.
So now you admit that his celebate life style at the time was probably true
Do i fuck, I said it might be true, I haven't read any books on them or anything or ever cared enough to read anything about it, I remember being surprised a few smiths threads back when Prof mentioned that a particular cover star was Morrissey's boyfriend, so i'd imagine there are people who keep more up to date with such stuff, and that the celibacy stuff is pretty much discredited.
Personally based on experience of human nature, I'd imagine someone who is fairly clearly gay now was probably gay back then too but wary of mentioning it for whate ver reason. But the celibacy 'may' have been true, hence my use of the word 'maybe' rather than the probably that you seem to have read
But it still seems hypocritical.
making a big deal about proclamations about your sexuality is a long way from the 'privacy' argument you tried to raise a few posts back. He didn't talk about privacy he based part of his shtick around soundbytey comments on celibacy that a lot of people believed, i remember Griff talking about how seriously he believed them.
He could have been celibate, some people are i suppose but i'd guess the truth is probably different.
Well that seems like a stupid argument.
Just another stick to beat him with for some people, leading that army of celebate students up the garden path, yeh right.
It's not a stick at all, i couldn't care less, any silly 80s student who made any lifestyle choices based on Morrissey deserves far worse than a few years of celibacy, i didn't raise the issue. But someone, you i think but i can't be arsed to look at the topic review window, asked where he had ever been a hypocrite about his sexuality when the answer is fairly clear.
I hold no brief for the guy, I like his music a lot, I like his interviews, but his views on animal testing are vile and abhorant to me and, yes, his appearance on Ross was arrogance of a high order.
he didn't actually seem that arrogant to me, he seemed like a slightly unintelligent man out of his depth away from fawning indykid music journos, and ross was far more sycophantic fanboy than he generally is. He just didn't seem up to actual discourse, only variations on the same soundbytes he's been using for 20 years.
But beating him up because he has kept his private life private is silly
he didn't keep it private, he made it a manifesto point. Even if the celibacy was genuine he very clearly used his sexuality (or lack of it) as a gimmick.